Ex Mossad Spy And New York Times Bestselling Author Launches Website For Writers
![Ex Mossad Spy And New York Times Bestselling Author Launches Website For Writers](https://skymagdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/image-placeholder-title.png)
TheBookPatch.com uses state of the art technology to make a unique and free platform for pens to produce, edit, publish and vend their books in one flawless process.
The new website offers members( class is free) a complete set of tools letting pens log on to their book from any computer in the world with an internet connection and write. The erected in word processor respects writing alone, collaboration orca-authoring anyhow of geographical boundaries. The program supports multiple story lines and exclusive operations for creating a cast of characters, storing author’s notes and chapter outlines and further. The website has a erected in social network, forums and, professional backing.
Once a book is ready for print,TheBookPatch.com provides a erected in cover design wizard and printing at a drive of a button directly from the point. There are no set up freights or kingliness sharing. The author retains 100 brand and can order as little as a single dupe. TheBookPatch printing price is unequaled and declines with every fresh dupe indeed if ordered one at a time. Authors can modernize and make changes to their books with no fresh charges and retain the former editions abatements. An average book price for a 200 runner book with a full color cover will run between$5.50 and$ 16 on the normal. TheBookPatch also offers an online book store where authors can vend their books and collect the profit while TheBookPatch retains only the printing cost.
“ By making the website free to use I want to encourage preceptors to take advantage of this great tool for their scholars in this time of profitable crunch. ” Victor Ostrowski CEOTheBookPatch.com
Further information is available on http//www.thebookpatch.com
About TheBookPatch
TheBookPatch.com went off the Beta interpretation July 2010 and formerly boasts further than 500 book systems in writing substantially from the U.S. but others from as far down as Australia, Saudi Arabia and further.TheBookPatch.com is about to release a Business interpretation and one for screen pens both will also be free to use.